The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind the kind that blindside you at4 PMon some idle Tuesday. 人生真正的问题是那些你连想都没想到的事儿,那些在星期二下午4点无所事事时误导你的事。
The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind; the kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday. 你人生中真正的麻烦是一些你从来都没有想到要去担心的事;好象那些令人不愉快,莫名其妙在闲暇的星期二下午4点袭击到你的事。
It’s a movie about a man who has to deal with real emotional issues that blindside him, creating a deep rift between him and his wife - so he buys a Harley. 这是一部关于一个不得不处理出其不意席卷了他的真实感情问题、弥合与妻子间的裂痕而买了哈雷摩托的男子的电影。
Viktor, Fleur, and Bill are all in enough danger without having to go into a job where a large stroke of bad luck is going to blindside them at the end of their first year. 克鲁姆,芙蓉和比尔本来处境已经够危险了,不需要再去做一份第一学年末就有可能被厄运缠上的工作。
the kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday. 好象那些令人不愉快,莫名其妙在闲暇的星期二下午4点袭击到你的事。