If they surcease to be that should survive. 时间呵,你也完结吧,立即终止运行!
No time for aught but worry and struggle.No hope of anything but the surcease of sorrow in death. 他们没有时间去追求任何东西,每天就在那里担忧和挣扎,他们没有任何愿望,仅仅希望自己能在死后摆脱痛苦。)
If it were done when'tis done,then'twere well It were done quickly:if the assassination Could trammel up the consequence,and catch With his surcease success; 麦克白 如果这事干完了,就算了结了,那就快点儿干吧。如果暗杀能够获取正果,又能消除其后果的话;