They grew bored of his idealistic speechifying against rampant market capitalism, when all they wanted was to get as rich as possible as fast as possible. 但当人人都想尽快致富、越富越好的时候,他那些反对市场资本主义疯狂蔓延的理想主义高谈阔论就渐渐为人们所厌倦了。
Throughout two years of high-flown speechifying he promised to clean the Augean stables of Washington, close the revolving door between power and money and raise ethical standards. 在奥巴马两年浮夸的演说中,他到处许诺要清除华盛顿艰难的禁锢局面,关闭权力与金钱之间的“旋转门”,并提升伦理道德标准。