This debauched seductress in black, took me. 这位荒淫的黑衣女子占有了我。
She is both a beauty and a seductress. 布洛赫鲍尔生来就是一位美人,一位能勾引男人的美人。
The true seductress can only exist in a state of seduction. 真正诱人的女人只存在于诱惑的国度。
The seductress turns desire itself into an illusion or trap. 诱惑者把期望化为幻影或陷阱。
Tamara, an unattractive girl, who is picked on by her peers returns after her death as a y seductress to exact revenge. 塔玛拉,一个不太引人注意的女孩,死而复活后被她的同事选中,作为一个性感的风尘女子去实施报复。