Make Money by linking to Pingo from your website! 在您的网站上加入Pingo的链接,即可赚钱!
Take advantage of Pingo savings while traveling! 在旅行之中享受Pingo的服务,节省开支!
Pingo calls to Alaska are not affected. 但打到阿拉斯加的Pingo电话不受影响。
Use this same form to sign up for Pingo Business. 利用该同一份表格注册Pingo业务。
Why should I sign up for the Pingo Affiliate Program? 我为什么要注册Pingo会员制计划?
It's great quality, savings, and control from Pingo Business! Pingo业务可令您享受优质质量、节省开支、并随心控制!