It is no problem to keep a ceramic flywheel appropriately magnetised. 磁化陶瓷引擎的飞轮不存在任何问题。
Other dangerous articles such as magnetised materials, offensive or irritating materials. 其他危险物品,如磁化材料、进攻性或刺激性材料。
As the flywheel speeds up and slows down, so does the frequency with which the magnetised spot passes the sensor. 当飞轮转速增大或者降低时,同样的磁标记点经过传感器的频率也随之变化。
Ferrodomite is the main magnetis carrier in the Cretacous violet sandstone on Fenghuo mountains. 风火山白垩系紫色砂岩样品的矿物学分析结果表明
In order to test remanent magnetis stability of samples, except for the step thermal demag-netiization, the Baking and Fold test have been done for them. 为了检验标本剩磁的稳定性除对它进行逐步热退磁而外