Good for eating out of hand, excellent for juicing. 很好吃不可收拾
Suitable for juicing and eating out of hand. 适合榨汁吃一发不可收拾了.
Good for eating out of hand or juicing. 很好吃不可收拾或榨汁.
Buy: package, canned fruit cocktail, canned pineapple,juic ... 巴基斯坦公司求购包装材料,水果罐头2007-03-13
So the variety could be developed to superior juicing variety. 果实香气浓郁,酸甜适口,有肉囊,可发展为优良的制汁品种。
Buy: Canned fruit, Canned vegetable, Machine for juic... 埃塞俄比亚公司求购水果罐头,蔬菜罐头,果汁机械,糖果2007-03-13