=hymn book.
The Episcopal hymnal is full of rousing things, and I am pleased that the text I wrote in1959 is now hymn number104. 圣公会赞美诗集满是鼓舞人的东西,我很高兴我1959年写的这首诗如今成了赞美诗集中的第104首。
The Episcopal hymnal is full of rousing things, and I am pleased that the text I wrote in 1959 is now hymn number 104. 圣公会赞美诗集满是鼓舞人的东西,我很高兴我1959年写的这首诗如今成了赞美诗集中的第104首。
And at times, our prayers and hymnal singing may incur complaints from our neighbours. 以目前的财源要维持一个新会堂的日常支出已是我们能力所及。
Sound the Bamboo: CCA Hymnal 2000. Ed. I-to Loh. Taiwan Church Press: Christian Conference of Asia. 台湾基督长老教会排湾中会圣诗编译委员会。
Program includes hymnal prayers, traditional and contemporary folk songs, evangelization music, Chinese folk songs and dance. 节目有圣咏欣赏、传统及现代民歌、福传音乐、中国民谣、舞蹈等等。