n. 黑鬼
No other darky [sic] knows her, no darky only me. 没有其他黑人认识她,唯有我不能将她忘怀。
Finally one of the managers bustled up to the stalwart darky. 后来终于有一个经理跑到这个健壮的黑人面前。
Better that I'd learned to plow or chop cotton like a darky. 还不如当初象黑人那样学会犁田、摘棉花呢。
Stuart halted, too, and the darky boy pulled up a few paces behind them. 斯图尔特跟着停下来,黑小子也紧跑几步跟上了他们。
"They have not proved it yet but somebody killed this darky who had insulted a white woman. "他们还没有找到充分的证据,不过的确有人杀了这个侮辱白人妇女的黑鬼。