His eye was alight, his color coppery, his air swagger, devil-may-care, bacchanal. 他的眼睛发亮,面发铜色,态度傲慢,不顾一切地发着酒疯。
The tragedy is developed form the bacchanal doxology as one part of the fete ceremony of Dionysus. 悲剧作为狄俄尼索斯祭祀仪式的一部分,是由酒神颂歌发展而来的。
Cleaning up the wreckage left by our 250-year industrial bacchanal will require fundamental changes in a society hooked on its fossil fuels. 但是要清除250年来,工业肆虐留下的残骸需要对这个依赖矿物燃料发展的社会进行根本性变革。
It originated from ancient Greece, from the harvest season when the festival Bacchanal Carnival evolved from the procession. 它源于古希腊,由在收获季节祭祀酒神时的狂欢游行演变而来。
was alight, his color coppery, his air swagger, devil-may-care, bacchanal. 他的眼睛发亮,面发铜色,态度傲慢,不顾一切地发着酒疯。