Lao She was a distinguished wordsmith. 老舍是杰出的语言大师。
Wordsmith.org: This week's words (rss) : Wordsmith. org提供,RSS中有简单的解释。
He was not only a good reporter but also a wordsmith. 他不仅是个好记者,同时也是个好作家。
That may be because I am a wordsmith, but also because it is the most mature. 这可能是因为我是一个富文本编辑器用户 ,而且还因为它是目前最成熟的。
With all his talent as a wordsmith, he was also a gifted cartoonist. 除了文学大师所具有的才华外,他还是个很有天赋的漫画家。
Whether you're an aspiring actor, artist, data hound, or wordsmith, Cranium gives you and your team a moment to shine! 您是否是一名令人想往的演员,艺术家,数据追逐,或者语言艺术家,头盖骨给您和您的队每片刻亮光!