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Spiff the sitting room with coloured lights. 用彩灯将起居室打扮起来。
The valiant Spaceman Spiff has been captured! 年轻人
It's a perfect time to spiff up your space to make it look more current. 而这些都是优良性状学习,土星有限,你的动作,并可能已令你感到沮丧,由豆腐柜台。
Ever notice that it takes less energy to spiff things up when you're feeling good? 有没有注意到,每当心情好的时候,整理东西就变得更轻而易举起来?
In fact, your personal work documentation is a great way to look for ideas to spiff up your resume. 这样做对开始(或者提高)一个文件汇集整理系统是好的,因此你能迅速地找到材料。
At the time, the outbound flow was taken as one more last-minute sign of China's optimistic, all-fronts effort to spiff up Beijing for its role as Olympic host. 那时,这股出城流被视为中国乐观情绪的最后标志,之前所有的努力都是为整理北京这个奥运会东道主而做出的。
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