He landed in the hospital after the crackup. 在交通事故後,他被送入医院。
What a crackup you are.|What do they call you? |说你是颗开心果|他们怎么叫你来着?
Not everyone threatened with a crackup can manage to go to Europe for relief. 并不是每一个有精神病危险的人都花得起钱去欧洲休养的。
The scale of the Wall Street crackup could scarcely be more gargantuan. 然而当美国人问及为什么还得花费如此令人费解的数目防止经济垮掉。
Increasingly in recent years they have tended the private gardens of divorce and loneliness and crackup. 在最近几年里这种情况愈演愈烈了:他们忙于照管个人花园里发生的离婚、孤独症和心理崩溃,无暇他顾。