A silky white moisturiser that protects and softens your hands and body. 柔和白色补水保湿霜,适用于保护和柔软手和身体皮肤。
She had always taken her make-up off with remover and put a good moisturiser on afterwards. 她一直就用去脂剂除掉化妆品,然后再擦上脸油。
This rich and immediately comforting moisturiser provides a real, visible improvement to the quality of the skin. 这款富含保湿微量营养元素的产品能迅速提供使皮肤质量得到明显改善。
Besides shampoo and conditioner, he uses toner, moisturiser, essence, sun-block and foam cleanser, it said, noting that his basic pay is only 80,000 won. 据报道,除了洗发水和护发素外,他还用紧肤水、保湿霜、精华素、防晒霜和洗面奶,而这名士兵的基本工资只有8万韩元。
The best moisturiser is a basic greasy one without extra ingredients or fragrances such as Vaseline. 最好的是那些不含其他成分或气味的碱性脂质,例如凡士林。