n. 黑人
Someone get this jigaboo away from me! |来人把这个嬉皮士带走好吗!
Ten Jigaboo boys went out to dine;One choked his little self and then there were nine. 在发现儿歌的同时,他们还在一个圆形的桌子上看到了十个精致的小瓷人。
Nine little Jigaboo boys sat up very late;One overslept himself and then there were eight. 就在他们用晚餐的时候,留声机响起了,那个声音指控那里的每一个人犯有谋杀罪。
Three little Jigaboo boys walking in the zoo;A big bear hugged one and then there were two. 苏格兰场接了这起神秘的案子,他们很快地找到了十个人的死因,但却完全无法解释他们的死亡。
Two Little Jigaboo boys sitting in the sun; 他们最终也不知道事情的真相,那十个人是谁杀的。