Brontosaurus dinosaurs lived in the swamps. 雷龙栖息在沼泽地区。
The brontosaurus was one of the largest of all dinosaurs. 雷龙是所有恐龙中最大的一种。
Launch dino eggs to solve the puzzle, but watch out for Mama brontosaurus! 炸掉恐龙蛋来解决谜题,但要当心恐龙妈妈哦!
A very large herbivorous dinosaur of the genus Apatosaurus(or Brontosaurus),of the Jurassic period. 雷龙侏罗纪时期的非常大的虚幻龙(或雷龙)属食草恐龙。
A very large herbivorous dinosaur of the genus Apatosaurus(or Brontosaurus,of the Jurassic period. 雷龙侏罗纪时期的非常大的虚幻龙(或雷龙)属食草恐龙
A very large herbivorous dinosaur of the genus Apatosaurus(or Brontosaurus), of the Jurassic period. 雷龙侏罗纪时期的非常大的虚幻龙(或雷龙)属食草恐龙