The waiters' manners are always so smarmy. 那些服务员总是点头哈腰的.
Smarmy might work better, though it is difficult to bring off. 奉承也许会更有用,不过很难奏效。
Venue locations and the people that manage them can be smarmy. 建国以来难得一见的奇书,本书提供了两张地图---一张中国美食地图,以及基于“秀色可餐”的原理制作的中国美色地图。
We are here to deliver an invitation,' said one of riders, with a smarmy smile. 一名汉子笑道:“我们是请客的使者,不是打劫的强盗。
Oh, yeah?Yeah, I wonder why?What could that smarmy letch possibly want? |哦,是吗,我想知道为什么.