Anything less than that is like a popgun. 比这规模小的计划就没什么用了。”
Let him not quit his belief that a popgun is a popgun, though the ancient and honorable of the earth affirm it to be the crack of doom. 学者应该坚持自己的信仰:气枪的一响不过是啪的一声而已,尽管那些年高者与位高者断定它是世界末日的霹雳。
ONE of the most humbling features of the financial crisis is its ability to humiliate policymakers who, thinking that they have a bazooka in their closet, soon discover that it is a mere popgun. 如今的金融危机有个令人尴尬的特征,那就是他有足够的能力让决策者蒙羞,决策者们本以为自己壁橱里储存的是火箭筒,但很快发现那不过是一支玩具手枪。
The authority can issue what the regulator calls the “popgun” of a public warning, or it can use the “cannon” of a suspension, from which the firm's reputation may never recover. 当权者只能使出被监管者称为“玩具枪”的公开警告处分,或者是被称为“大炮”的停职处分,而受牵连的审计公司永远也无法从中恢复名誉。
Let him not quit his belief that a popgun is a popgun, though the ancient and honorable of the earth affirm it to be the crack of doom 学者应该坚持自己的信仰:气枪的一响不过是啪的一声而已,尽管那些年高者与位高者断定它是世界末日的霹雳。