His move there was stupid. His remaining there is imbecilic. 他移居那里原来就是愚蠢的,留在那里则更是发痴。
Despite the fact that skeletons seem mischievous or imbecilic, they are nothing to scoff at. 尽管骷髅怪看起来滑稽笨拙,但如果以此嘲笑他们那就错了。
There was no waking up even for those imbecilic men who had fallen asleep under her ear, inside the pillow. 没有人醒,甚至那些在她的耳朵下面、枕头里面睡着的愚蠢的男人们也没有醒。
If it isn't subscription based I'm seriously wondering whether it'll be worth playing, purely because of all the social inadequates &imbecilic pre-pubescent dross who'll clutter up the servers. 如果战网免费,我甚至怀疑这款游戏值不值得我去玩,纯粹是因为所有的社会渣滓、还没进入青春期的脑残将会把我们的环境搞的一团糟。