The newspaper columnist is a big name - dropper. 这位报纸专栏作家动不动就提几个名人,以提高自己。
The package includes a graduated dropper. 包装内有吸管,吸管上有刻度。
Each dropper delivers approximately 30 mg of CoQ10. 乃日常生活保健食品。
Using the Dropper Applicator: 1. 使用滴管器: 1 。
A convenient measuring dropper is supplied with every liquid. 每个口服液内配有一个方便的计量滴管。
A green ware water dropper from the Western Chin (left). 图1:西晋青釉辟邪形水注(左),东晋青釉褐斑羊尊(右)。