I don't know anyone who could have behaved so abominably. 我不知道还有行为如此卑劣的人。
He wanted to know how abominably they could behave towards him. 他希望能知道他们能用什么样的卑鄙手段来对付他。
Both occupying powers behave abominably but in different ways. 两个占领国虽然行为都很可恨,但政策却截然不同。
She is abominably rude to keep Charlotte out of doors in all this wind. 她真太没有礼貌,风这样大,却让夏绿蒂待在门外。
You cant imagine what its like to feel that you are acting abominably. 自己演的戏这么令人讨厌,你无法想像这种可悲的心情。