Pardon, je me suis tromp de num ro. 对不起,我把号码搞错了。
"Poor little dog," the tromp said sadly."I'm terribly sorry. “可怜的小狗,”流浪者难过地说。
It was a long, chilly tromp through the swirling night . 在冰天雪地的夜晚,走这么长一段路可不容易。
"Poor little dog," the first tromp said and put the money into his pocket. “可怜的小狗,”第一个流浪者说,并把钱放进了口袋。
That said, there are also a lot of red-faced, miserable tourists tromping through D. 但是在当地旅游的时候也有一个不要做的事情。
You probably don't recall a lot of people tromping down to the bus stop or calling a cab and going back for the car the next day. 但是,你可能想不起会有很多人步履蹒跚地去公车站或是打的回家,等第二天再回来取车。