切牙(解)Dentes incisivi{拉}, Dens incisivus{拉}
The incisors meet with a scissors grip. 该门齿满足与剪刀抓地力。
One of my incisors is loose and aching. 我的一颗门牙松动而且疼。
DDE predominately appeared on maxillary incisors. 5%25,主要发生在上颌切牙。
Human incisors look much like bicuspids. 人类的門牙看起来很像臼齒。
The incisors are set a the base in on line. 门齿位置都在一个直线上。
Take it on the distal side of lateral incisors when necessary. 如果有必要,放在侧切牙的远中面上。