I found out one of my groomsmen had an emergency and can't make it. |我刚知道我的一个伴郎出了点急事, 所以不能来了。
Josh was joined by four groomsmen, including Katherine's Grey's co-star T. “这种感觉就像我告诉所有人我爱她,而且能够给她最好的承诺。”
In more elaborate weddings the best man will be assisted by several groomsmen and a ringbearer. 在更为盛大的婚礼上,伴郎会由几个男傧相和一名男花童相伴。
They both have big families, so their siblings will be the bridesmaids and groomsmen. 而且他们两个人家里亲戚都很多,兄弟姐妹都可以做傧相。
Chandler and Ross realize they aren't in the wedding.When one of the groomsmen drops out, they compete for the spot. 钱德和罗斯中只有一个将成为伴郎,而决定权在瑞秋手中,他们都使出浑身解数讨好瑞秋,不过他俩最终都输给了迈克家的狗。