She has a predisposition to Huntington's disease. 她有患亨延顿氏症的倾向。
This prosperity has bought a sedentary lifestyle and a sugary diet, which may have triggered a genetic predisposition to diabetes among Arabs. 繁荣带来了凝滞不动的生活习惯和嗜糖的饮食结构,在阿拉伯人中这容易诱发高血糖的遗传倾向。
She has a predisposition to criticize others. 她有喜欢挑人毛病的癖性。
There is no implication that a specific disease is inherited but only the individual factors that compose a predisposition are inherited. 没有含意一种特定的被遗传但是组成一个易患病的体质个别的因素只有被遗传。