Navy Corpsmen are members of the United States Navy Hospital Corps. 海军陆战队医务兵是美国海军陆战队成员。
Navy Corpsmen's Vital Signs will now ping the location of units in need of medical attention. 医务兵使用重要资料技能后会在小地图上提示需要治疗的队友的位置信号。
Support Elements now have a small chance of acquiring Flamethrowers or Navy Corpsmen. 支援的海军陆战队中有很小的几率会出现喷火兵或者海军医务兵。
The military had to know that when the call came, the corpsmen would be mentally ready to go. 军人必须要明白,一旦命令下达,他们在心理上一定要预备妥当。
Shadows of Corpsmen pushed cots and stretchers into unseen places, creating the 27)uncanny impression of organized chaos. 医药兵们忙碌地扛着担架冲到远处的一个地方,形成了一个怪异的情景,一个有组织的混乱情景。