n. 日子
Gum yuhg dmmvt de xodair yom jinjdiecs. 光与电的时代,用金碟!
Judaism has several fast days, notably Yom Kippur. 犹太教一年之中有几个把斋日,特别是赎罪日。
Keep the commandments; celebrate Christmas; Observe Yom Kippur. 庆祝圣诞;庆祝犹太人的赎罪日。
The Yom Kippur War was followed by an Arab oil embargo. 阿拉伯石油禁运后接踵而来的是赎罪日战争。
Britain is living through a sort of Yom Kippur moment. 英国正在经历这样一种“赎罪日”,空气中弥漫着赎罪和忏悔的气息。
In Judaism, the holiest day of the year is Yom Kippur, the day of atonement. 在犹太节期中,一年里最神圣的日子是赎罪日(YomKippur)。