She can tell you how to weave reeds into a beautiful basket. 她能教你怎样用芦苇编织漂亮的篮子。
I try to weave all of the concepts together. 我想把所有的想法编织在一起。
I think you can weave a story around this incident. 我想你可以围绕这一事件编一个故事。
The driver was weaving his way through the traffic. 司机在车辆和人流中曲折前进。
用作名词 (n.)A third form of weave is the satin weave. 第三种织造形式是缎纹组织。
The jacket is of scarlet cloth of a very fine weave. 这件夹克是由织法精妙的鲜红色布料做的。
The best clothing is loose fitting with a close weave. 最好的衣服是紧密编织的宽松式服装。