Are you with them, or are they unescorted? 你会送他们还是让他们独自出门?
Such a visitor wouldn't have been allowed into the plant unescorted. 这样的来访者就不会无人陪同而被允许进入厂内。
Are you with them, or are they unescorted?Why did you make those decisions? 在我上学那会儿(上世纪80年代),我们都是步行或者乘公共汽车上学。
GSE teams, TRF, and others assume a degree of risk if team members drive unescorted while in the host district. 如果团员们在地主地区在无人护送之下自己开车,将使GSE团、扶轮基金会、及其他方面负担某种程度之风险。
The Atlantic Osprey has a single hull, just a single engine and will travel unescorted throughout its journey. 大西洋鱼鹰号只有单一船体以及单一引擎,在整个航程中也没有任何保护。