I have a hangnail, and my heart is-what? 我指甲旁有个肉刺,我的心- 什麽?
It's an environment that is at once trashy and highly exacting: every hangnail a sin, every eye-bag a crime. 但现在我更喜欢自然一些”凯利又补充说“很多人认为人们不应该去做整容,而我却不是这么想的,我觉得每个人都可以做自己想做的事情”。
If one of your pros is “will make a million dollars” and one of your cons is “might get a hangnail”, they don't exactly cancel each other out. 例如,有个好处是"可以挣到百万美金",有个坏处是“可能手指头会有倒刺”,这样的利弊是无法对等,相互抵消的。
If one of your pros is “will make a million dollars” and one of your cons is “might get a hangnail”, they don’t exactly cancel each other out. 这就是说任何复杂的问题,当影响其得因素平均超过7个时,清醒的头脑就容不下了,就影响了有效的思考运作,结果就是不能很好的作出选择了。