His left leg is gimpy and lamely when his walking. 他左腿跛的,走起路来一瘸一拐地。
He`s orange and has got a gimpy fin on one side. 他是橙色的,身体的一边有一只鳍有些残缺.
No one saw him gimpy going round the bend. 没人看见他弯下腰,跛着走。
The gimp said without turning his head. 瘸子头也不回地说。
I will briefly discuss the GIMP layout first. (如下图)我们首先将会简单讨论一下GIMP的布局。
You can drag and drop many things in the GIMP. 20 GIMP里面很多东西都是可以拖曳的。