But most of the time it strangles a company. 但大多时候,这一文化却是将公司束缚得几近窒息。
It strangles itself by its own prolific connections. 网络无限增多的连接会扼杀自己。
They end up calling her a slut and then Karl strangles her. 他们最终要求她贱人,然后卡尔扼杀她。
True power strangles you with silk ribbons, charm and intelligence. 真正的权力掐死你,用的是用丝带,是魅力,是脑。
It leaps onto Unit 03 and strangles it, breaking it's neck. 它飞跃在单位03上并且扼杀它,打破它是脖子。