Is impotence the result of Oedipal guilt? 阳萎是“恋母情结”的罪恶感所致?
Did "43" invade Iraq as part of an Oedipal struggle with "41"? 希拉里会比克林顿政绩更佳,以此报复这个花心丈夫?
You either have some weird oedipal thing, or your mother's guilty. 你要么是有点恋母情节。要么就是知道你妈妈的罪行。
"Let us be the ultimate Oedipal figures," they declare. 她们宣称:“让我们成为绝顶的俄狄浦斯式人物。”
Did “43” invade Iraq as part of an Oedipal struggle with “41”? “43”入侵伊拉克是作为同“41”恋母情节斗争的一部分?