OK, OK, forget about it. There's no need to get huffy. (好了,好了,没事了。没必要为这种事大动肝火哦。)
He is not an easy going person. He always gets huffy with others. 他可不好相处呢。他总是对别人动怒。
You shouldn't get the hump about it or get all huffy. 你应该明白,你是学传媒的,不应该对这些事耿耿于怀或小题大做啊。
Can’t you see how huffy he got when the same thing happened last time? 你没看到上次发生这种事时他发多大火吗?)
Now when people ask me "Are you published?" I don’t get huffy and whinge about "the state of the publishing industry. 其实还有其他几个办法来完成它,但是当时还写着一本关于千禧年危机的书,我没有时间去了解。