Get in a fistfight, even if you are going to lose. 认真打架,即便你丫要输。
Can PSP play random dance fistfight? PSP能不能玩乱舞格斗?
One year, two employees had a fistfight outside the entrance. 有一年,两个员工在饭店门口大打出手。
Self disarms him and they engage in a savage fistfight. 不管怎样,赛尔夫试图告诉他,迈可兄弟俩是被陷害的,但户克斯听不进去。
Witnesses said a fistfight preceded the shootings Saturday evening. 目击者表示在周六晚枪击案发生前有过斗殴。
A fistfight had turned into a pistol-whipping, bullet-flying fiasco. 一场斗殴最终演变成了枪弹横飞的械斗惨案。