The coat needs to be eased under the armpits. 这件上衣的 肯需放一放。
She eased her injured foot into her shoe. 她小心翼翼地把受伤的脚伸进鞋里。
I'm very busy just now; wait until things have eased up a little. 我现在非常忙,等事情缓一缓再说。
The situation has eased (off). 情况已经缓和了。
The aspirins eased my headache. 阿司匹林使我头疼减轻。
The tension between us has eased off a little. 我们之间的紧张状况已经缓和一些。
He eased himself along the ledge to reach the terrified boy. 他小心翼翼地沿着突出的檐向那惊惶失措的男孩靠近。