"The gringos are never coming back," he concluded. “外国佬再也不会回来了。”他总结道。
How could you sell the mortgage on my farm to the gringos? |你怎能把我农场的贷款权状 转卖给格林可帮的人?
Like the Bandit... Like the Gringo... A bullet doesn't care who it kills! 将军的子弹剧情介绍,将军的子弹简介,获得奖励,精彩对白,幕后制作花絮,穿帮镜头
Against all odds they tie the knot.Their friends call it "Gringo Wedding". 他们的朋友都称这是“外国佬的婚礼”。
"Not too many gringos," raved one Traveler magazine panelist about Guanajuato city. "这里受到的外来干扰很少.
Dali is a touristic and shopping Mecca for the Chinese. Gringos congregate on "Foreigner Street" for some western food and conversation. 大理是中国人的一个旅游和购物盛地,英美人士聚集在"洋人街"吃西餐和聊天。