He has a scar running across his left cheek. 他左脸上有一道很长的疤痕。
The scar flawed her beauty. 这伤疤损害了她的美貌。
In that heart, where there had been a wound, there was a scar. 在他的心上,从前有过一条伤口,后来只剩下一条伤痕。
用作动词 (v.)The wound gradually scarred over. 伤口渐渐愈合。
The cut on his finger will eventually scar over. 他指头上的伤口最后会结疤痊愈。
Her scar tissue would heal and she would have daily treatment with eye drops and cream. 她的伤口组织会慢慢痊愈,每天还要滴眼药水和眼药膏。