n. 德国兵[佬]; 屁股
Heini recovers in his stall after the operation. 手术后,海尼在自己的房间里苏醒过来。
Heini was operated on Wednesday in what vets say is the world's first eye operation on a rhino. 近日,兽医为海尼进行了摘除白内障手术,这头小犀牛也因此成为全球第一头接受眼科手术的犀牛。
Heini was born in the Serengeti Park safari park in Hodenhagen near Hamburg in August 2006. 小犀牛海尼于2006年8月出生在德国汉堡附近的塞伦盖蒂野生动物园。
The team, led by Hamburg veterinarian Jens Linek, put Heini under anaesthesia-- itself a dangerous procedure for a rhino. 手术开始了。由汉堡兽医莱克领导的医疗小组将海尼麻醉后放倒在手术台上,尽管麻醉过程对犀牛的身体健康是有害的。
If the operation is a success, Heini should be able to see up to nine meters. A normal rhino can only see about15 meters. 如果手术成功,海尼今后的视力范围可以达到9米远。犀牛正常的视力范围为15米。