Fire is as hurtful as healthful. 火有两面性,有利也有弊。
Nothing can be more hurtful to the service than a neglect of discipline. 对工作损害最大的莫过于忽视纪律。
If neglected, it will become hurtful. 如果我们不去管它,它就会变成有害的东西了。
Law can only prohibit such actions as are hurtful to society. 法律仅有权禁止有害于社会的行为。
Sin is not hunful because it is foridden,hut it is forbidden because it's hurtful. 罪恶不是因为被制止才有害,而是因为它有害才被制止。
Love is both hurtful and joyful. 爱带给你伤害也带给你快乐。
She is unaware of how hurtful her mistrust is to him. 她不知道她对他的不信任带给了他多大的伤害。
Jackson is apologizing for what he calls "hurtful words". 杰克逊为其称之为“伤害性言论”致歉。
Sometimes teasing is funny, but sometimes it is hurtful. 戏弄别人有时会是一件很有趣的事情,有时却会伤害到别人的感情。