StarFire Candler lighten your beautiful life. 星火烛台为您点亮美丽生活。
Captain Houghton is a native of Candler, N.C. 霍顿上尉是北卡罗来纳州坎德勒人。
Graham ;edited by Beth Denny Candler. 作者声明: written by John M.
Kessler, formerly an egg candler, lives alone on social security. 凯斯勒原先是个禽蛋质量检验员,现在他靠社会保险过着孤独的日子。
Candler achieved a lot during his time as owner of the company. 坎德勒取得了许多成就,在他的时间老板的公司。
Now Candler set about making Coca Cola a household word. 现在,坎德勒想做的就是使可口可乐家喻户晓。