A plan for a deepwater dock at Iqaluit has been replaced by a refuelling station at a refurbished harbour in the north of Baffin Island. 原本计划在伊基克(Iqaluit)建造一个深水码头,现在却只在巴芬岛北部地区一个翻新的港口上建造了一个燃料补给站取而代之。
While residents of Iqaluit welcome the idea of a deepwater port, they wonder how a town of 6,000 with a housing shortage can accommodate the 500 military personnel that would come with it. 而正当伊卡卢伊特的居民对建立深海站的思想表示欢迎之时,他们不禁要问一个存在住房短缺问题的6000人小镇如何能够容纳此项目的500人军事人员。
He also wants to build Canada's first deepwater Arctic port near Iqaluit and install a surveillance system to detect submarines under the ice cap, all at a cost of C$5.3 billion over five years. 他还会在伊卡卢伊特建立起加拿大第一个深海北极站并安装一个监控系统来对冰盖下的情况进行监控探测,而这一切需要五年的时间来完成,总共花费需要53亿加元。