It has converted yellowcake into uranium hexafluoride gas. 它已经把“黄饼”转化为六氟化铀气体。
They have converted yellowcake into uranium hexafluoride gas. 他们已经把“黄饼”转化为六氟化铀气体。
Yellowcake : Uranium ore;partially refined uranium ore used in production of nuclear weapons. 镍矿石;
Just where the uranium goes is as obscure as the location of the mines, but persistent reports claim Burma sells so-called yellowcake uranium. 这些铀矿的去处与矿场位址一样神秘难测,但一直有报告指出,缅甸确实在贩售俗称黄色蛋糕的黄铀饼,那是一种粗制铀。
I was very curious about that, because I could not see why Iraq should at this stage, in 2002, want to import yellowcake. 我非常好奇为什么伊拉克在2002年还要进口“黄饼”。