The last stragglers are just finishing the race. 跑在最後面的人刚刚到达终点。
Let's wait up for the stragglers. 让我们等等掉队的人
A few stragglers from the theatres hurried by. 一些从戏院出来的游手好闲的人,慌慌张张地走过。
A few stragglers from the theaters hurried by. 一些从戏院出来的游手好闲的人,慌慌张张地走过。
Time is not the hand puppet of stragglers. 时光绝不是那些蹒跚者手中可以任意操纵的木偶。
When we finally retreated, they cut off stragglers. 到最后我们撤退时,他们割断了掉队士兵的喉咙。