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A trial Park and Ride scheme was introduced at Sheung Shui to encourage drivers to switch to public transport. 当局在上水推行了一项“停泊及转乘”试验计划,以鼓励驾车人士转乘公共交通工具。

A park and ride network will allow private vehicles to also act as feeders to the rail system. 泊车转乘网络将有助于私家车成为接驳铁路的交通工具。

Sorry did not notice, I am just looking for a place to park. BTW park and ride do not change location, information would be still valid. 这是我们论坛页面的一个简化版本.

To encourage the switch from private to public transport, the Transport Department in collaboration with the KCRC launched a one-year trial Park and Ride Scheme at Choi Yuen Road, Sheung Shui, in December 1997. 为鼓励驾车人士改用公共交通工具,运输署与九广铁路公司合作,于一九九七年十二月起在上水彩源路开办一项为期一年的停车转乘试验计划。

To encourage the switch from private to public transport,the Transport Department in collaboration with the KCRC launched a one-year trial Park and Ride Scheme at Choi Yuen Road,Sheung Shui,in December 1997. 为鼓励驾车人士改用公共交通工具,运输署与九广铁路公司合作,于一九九七年十二月起在上水彩源路开办一项为期一年的停车转乘试验计划。

Park and Ride has been used as an important way to deal with the traffic congestion and relieve enviromental polution in the westen countries and some expected results are achieved. 停车换乘作为试图缓解中心区交通拥堵、减少环境污染的一种重要手段已经被国外一些城市采用,并且取得了一定的预期效果。

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