[计] 查询域名
This command lists all of the current values of the NSLOOKUP options. 使用下列命令来变更逾时时间为1秒。
To determine which address the MX record resolves to, you can use the NSlookup command-line tool. 可以使用NSlookup命令行工具来确定MX记录解析到的地址。
Using NSLOOKUP verify your DNS entries have the right IP Addresses for the server names and Host Header Values. 使用NSLOOKUP验证你的DNS能够正确地解析服务器和主机表头值的正确地址.
The easiest way to find this information is to use the Nslookup command-line tool to find the MX record for the destination domain. 查找此信息的最简便方法是使用Nslookup命令行工具查找目标域的MX记录。
From a command prompt run NSLOOKUP on the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the web server and domain controller and ensure they are all visible. 在命令提示行中运行NSLOOKUP找出应用服务器和域控制器的完全合格域名(FQDN)并确保他们都可以找到.