abbr.(只读)光盘驱动器 (=Compact Disc Read-Only Memory)
In other words the cdrom is not bootable. 也就是说cdrom无法启动。
We have distributed 250 CDROM (approx number). 我们同时派发了250份的光盘手册。
The Chameleon Deck routine (on CDROM). 变色蜥蜴舱板惯例(在CDROM) 。
Lots of cdrom detection improvements. 大量CDROM检测机制的改进。
It's possible to mount a local directory as cdrom drive. 它能够设置一个本地驱动器为一个cdrom驱动器。
Disconnect the CDROM from its power source and the SCSI cabling. 中断 CDROM 的电源与 SCSI 电缆连接。