The grizzly bear looked cumbersome and awkward. 灰熊看上去又笨拙又迟钝。
This arrangement is cumbersome to manage. 如此安排繁琐得难以管理。
They are cumbersome on land, but stealthy and sleek in the water. 它们在陆地上行动笨拙但在水里却敏捷灵活。
A tabulation of a function of two variables is cumbersome, but possible. 二元函数的列表法是不方便的,然而是可能的。
Donated food can be used for projects only if it is distributed through cumbersome channels such as direct feeding or food-for-work programs. 赠送的粮食如用于项目,必须通过诸如直接供给或者以粮抵工规化等一些不方便的渠道进行分配。