n.四面刻有希伯来字母(nun;gimel;he 和 shin) 的陀螺(主要用于犹太圣节时人们玩的一种游戏)
To hide the fact that they were really engaging in forbidden religious practices, playing dreidel games arose. 为了隐藏他们忙于被禁止的宗教学习的事实,产生了玩光明节陀螺的游戏。
Playing with a dreidel is a big part of the Hanukkah celebration for Jewish children, since it commemorates a period where Jews were not allowed to study Torah by the Romans. 犹太人的小孩在光明节庆典中其中一个重大项目是玩光明节陀螺,由于它纪念了当时罗马人不准犹太人学习(犹太教)教律的那段日子。