The No.10 coalbed is one of three main mineable coalbed of Taoyuan mine. 10煤是桃园煤矿三大主采煤层之一。
Ore Reserve: the economically mineable part of a Measured and/or Indicated Mineral Resource. 矿石储量:有经济开采价值的标明的矿产资源和/或测量的矿产资源。
Its main mineable coal seam belongs to very thick coal seam.The coal seam texture and coal rank configuration are generally very complex. 主采煤层属巨厚煤层,其煤层结构和煤种结构一般都很复杂,按不同煤种进行分层开采,有利于煤炭资源合理利用。
Probable Ore Reserve: the economically mineable part of an Indicated, and in some circumstances, a Measured Mineral Resource. 可能的矿石储量:有经济开采价值的标明的矿产资源和有些情况下的测量的矿产资源。
In the mineable C3 coal seam at Dazhuba coalfield,macroscopic type mainly consist of semi-bright fine coal,secondarily semi-dull and semi-bright lump coal. 大竹坝井田全区可采煤层C3,宏观煤岩类型主要为半亮型粉煤,其次为半暗型、半亮型块煤。煤种为中灰中高硫特低磷高热值贫煤。